Inspired by @meganjaynecrabbe

I know you hate the unknown and there is nothing more unknown than this.
But 2 years from now - you’ll find yourself sat in a house you now call home with three complete strangers upstairs who are now friends for life.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…
At first you’ll go home, naïve and in denial.
You’ll redecorate your childhood bedroom so home feels more like home and plonk yourself on your windowsill as the sun sets and the sky grows quiet.
You’ll fall in love with podcasts and find yourself laughing out loud as your feet trace over the same cracked pavements of your hometown streets as the day before.
You’ll thank your lucky stars for your mum who will pick you up when you’re down and tell you another duvet day is fine. And she’ll thank the heavens for you, for simply being there.
You’ll dye the ends of your hair pink and spill dye on the bathroom floor. Mum will be mad, but you will look fabulous.
You’ll get into embroidery and fall in love with the calm it brings you.
You’ll go on gals trips and spend far too many weekends in your friend’s living-room drunk and singing at the top of your lungs in a group of no more than six.
You’ll do things you never thought you’d do. You’ll move to a city all alone and start a masters, you’ll be wearing flared jeans instead of skinny ones and you’ll finally tackle your eating disorder, and for real this time. You’ll pass milestones you never thought possible until they pass without notice or mention.
You’ll wear a Hawaiian shirt to a club for your 23rd and your new housemates will insist on telling everyone it’s your birthday.
You’ll dye your hair ginger and continue to paint your nails every week because some things never change.
You’ll go on cocktail bar crawls and end up in a tiny little 80s club which becomes a lifetime fave.
You’ll make new friends and buy plants you’ll kill and replace and then really take care of.
You’ll do a law exam and pass.
Your oldest friend will buy a house and your closest friends will get big girl jobs and at times it’ll feel like you’re being left behind, but you’re not my love, I promise. Because you will learn to slow down and that life has its own pace for you.
You’ll learn so much about yourself and how strong you are. You’ll be anxious and scared and happy and confident. And although I can’t shield you from the fear you’ll face, I’m so proud of who you’ll become.